*****************************************2023.10.20 VX600_V2.3.4********************************************************************** [Supporting Software Version] V-Can V3.7.0 S4.T3 or later NovaLCT V5.4.4.6 or later [New Features] None [Improvements] None [Changes] None [Bug Fixes] 1. Fixed the problem that the screen is blurred or blacked out after you power off and then power on the device. [Notes] 1. When the device version is updated from V1.x.x to V2.x.x, please update the package named "Product Name_V1.0_V2.0.0_xxxx" first, and then update the V2.x.x package. 2. In this version, the ping command is disabled and not supported. *****************************************2023.10.8 VX600_V2.3.3********************************************************************** [Supporting Software Version] V-Can V3.7.0 S4.T3 or later NovaLCT V5.4.4.6 or later [New Features] None [Improvements] None [Changes] None [Bug Fixes] 1. Fixed the problem that the Ethernet port occasionally failed to output an image, the MVR window becomes blacked out or blurred and receiving card configuration parameters are read unsuccessfully. 2. Fixed the problem that the garbled characters are displayed on the LCD screen after the cabinet config file is sent via NovaLCT. 3. Fixed the problem that the abnormal image is displayed when the width of the input source exceeds 2048 pixels. [Notes] 1. When the device version is updated from V1.x.x to V2.x.x, please update the package named "Product Name_V1.0_V2.0.0_xxxx" first, and then update the V2.x.x package. 2. After the device is updated to this version, rolling back to the previous version is not supported. 3. In this version, the ping command is disabled and not supported. *****************************************2023.5.6 VX600_V2.2.0********************************************************************** [Supporting Software Version] V-Can V3.7.0 S4.T2 or later NovaLCT V5.4.4.6 or later [New Features] 1. Support the import of custom logos. 2. Add a light sensor connector on the rear panel. [Improvements] None [Changes] None [Bug Fixes] 1. Fixed the problem that the device is occasionally stuck on the logo screen when powered on after abnormal power-off. [Notes] When the device version is updated from V1.x.x to V2.x.x, please update the package named "VX600_V1.0_V2.0.0_xxxx" first, and then update the V2.x.x package. *****************************************2022.09.09 VX600_V1.1.2********************************************************************** [Supporting Software Version] V-Can V3.6.0 CTM 2.0.S2.T2 Setup or later NovaLCT V5.4.3 or later [New Features] [Improvements] [Changes] [Bug Fixes] 1. Fixed the problem that the "Calibrating…" window does not close after the device exits the calibration program. 2. Fixed the problem that the cross-month settings are occasionally abnormal when the authorization and the offline brightness parameter adjustment are enabled. 3. Fixed the problem that the input source state shown on the LCD or button light is occasionally inconsistent with the actual state when the input source state changes. [Notes] 1. If the device version has been updated to V2.0.0, this version update is not supported. *****************************************2022.07.15 VX600_V1.1.0********************************************************************** [Supporting Software Version] V-Can V3.6.0 CTM 2.0.S2.T2 Setup or later NovaLCT V5.4.3 or later [New Features] 1. Completed the device diagnostics information. 2. Added a prompt indicating the abnormal state of the factory reset. [Improvements] 1. Improved the LCD program stability to avoid getting stuck caused by frequently instable input sources. [Changes] [Bug Fixes] 1. Fixed the problem of failing to read back the receiving card information occasionally when the NovaLCT is connected to the device for a long time. [Notes] 1. If the device version has been updated to V2.0.0, this version update is not supported. *****************************************2022.02.24 VX600_V1.0.0********************************************************************** [Supporting Software Version] V-Can V3.6.0 CTM 2.0.S2.T2 Setup or later NovaLCT V5.4.3 or later [New Features] [Improvements] 1. Update the input source driver to solve the problem the input source is unrecognized occasionally. [Changes] [Bug Fixes] [Notes] *****************************************2021.10.11 VX600_V1.0.B1********************************************************************** [Supporting Software Version] V-Can V3.6.0 CTM 2.0.S2.T2 Setup or later NovaLCT V5.4.3 or later [New Features] First release [Notes]